The amazing toddler Stay & Play sessions are continuing for 2019 on Wednesday afternoons. We have lots of great activities planned and children aged 0 – 4 yrs are welcome. The sessions run from 1.15pm – 3.15pm and there is a cost of £2.00 per family. Please sign in on arrival for safeguarding.
9th January 2019
Elmer the Colourful Elephant. Decorate using materials and felts
Painting salt dough Elephants
16th January 2019
Painting a big pink Hippo
Pink playdough
23rd January 2019
Monkey faces
30th January 2019
Polly the colourful parrot puppet
6th February 2019
Lion paw prints using potato printers
13th February 2019
Paint a very tall Giraffe
Animal picture sticking.
Half term break is Wednesday 20th February